We've been lucky to have lots of sun at the coast recently. It's easy to remember to put on sunblock when it's in the 80's and the sky is blue, but what about the cooler overcast days? And what about remembering to reapply after the water washes away the protection. Those are the times when burns and sun damage sneak up on you..especially in the summer when the sun's rays are stronger.
As surfer's, not just any sunblock will give enough protection. Not only does it have to be extremely waterproof to withstand hours of duck diving, but it has to be even stronger to protect against the intensity of the sun reflecting off of the water.
Watermans: Applied Science has developed products to live up to the needs of surfers. Their sunblock won't bleed into your eyes, won't make your hands slippery, and won't wear off prematurely. It's clear that Watermans has done plenty of research while developing their products. It's been proven that sun overexposure puts your body into stress, making your performance suffer and providing less blood and oxygen to the organs that need it most while you're paddling and surfing. To be honest, protecting against sunburns and skin cancer is a better reason to wear sufficient sunscreen than the end result of improved surfing performance, but it's a nice bonus. You'll be healthier in both the short term and the long term. Theyoffer the best, most effective and functional, high-performance sunscreens on the market, specifically designed for high-intensity water and endurance athletes. Their sunscreen is formulated to stand up to the rigorous demands of an active life in the sun, wind and water. Their goal: to ensure a day in the sun doesn’t mean a lifetime of dealing with the consequences.
For those of us who spend extended periods of time off-shore, on the road or simply in the sun, protecting ourselves from the UV radiation is no laughing matter. 1 in 5 people will get skin cancer in their lifetime (1 in 3 Caucasians) and spending excessive time on the outdoors only increases the amount of UV radiation we expose ourselves too.
Check out their website for more info, and come into the shop next time you're in town to pick some up so you don't go home sun burnt!